Women, Nationalism and the Russian Right (1905–1917)


  • George Gilbert




This essay examines the activity of women in the Russian organized right between 1905 and 1917. It is particularly concerned with the scale of the female membership of the right-wing movement, and their connection to philanthropic and political roles. It examines the backgrounds of the women who joined the movement, the type of the activities that they became involved in, and where these women’s clubs fitted into the social mission of the Russian right in the early twentieth century. It then considers the role of women in charity activities and what this can tell us about female agency in the right-wing movement. A final aim is to assess whether these organizations mirrored more radical characteristics emerging elsewhere in the right-wing movement, or whether they were mostly building on established trends in women’s civic group formation.


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How to Cite

Gilbert, G. (2017). Women, Nationalism and the Russian Right (1905–1917). Quaestio Rossica, 5(3), 656–674. https://doi.org/10.15826/qr.2017.3.243



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