Viktor Tomilin, Mikhail Ananyin, A.N. Gubanov, E.O. Zimberg


In this research paper, an analysis is given of the types of prefabricated buildings and structures (hereinafter PB), from the position of their possible application for a wide range of medical technologies, design features and advantages, and deficiencies in buildings and structures. The article has an overview and research character. The main goal is to determine the most suitable variant of PB for a wide range of medical technologies. The following issues are considered in the study: the features of using such buildings for a wide range of medical technologies; advantages and disadvantages of each type in terms of design features; the definition of the most suitable type for the construction of medical facilities. Collection of information and analysis leads to the construction of a morphological scheme, which in an accessible form will explain all the conclusions and sum up the results of the research. This will allow using the material for further research in the field of PB, as well as serve as a basis for the application of certain types of buildings for individual medical technologies.

This article is based on our own research, experience and experience of individual firms (both in Russia and abroad), as well as the work of other authors in the field of PB application.

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