Problems of Ensuring of the Educational Process in Architecture, Engineering and Construction By Electronic Resources Pedagogical Purpose

L. Mironova, L. Pastuhova


The article deals with the stage of digitalization of education, which requires the development of information and educational environment (IEE) of universities (including architectural and construction profile), which is understood as a set of conditions for the interaction of all categories of users (students, teachers, parents, administration of educational institutions, the public concerned) with information and methodological support of the educational process on the basis of the information system of the educational organization. The main component of IEE is new electronic resources for educational purposes. The approach within which these resources will be developed by students — future programmers within interdisciplinary design under the leadership of the skilled teachers and the methodologists who are a part of interdepartmental scientific collectives is offered.  The proposed approach is aimed at improving students’ professional competencies in the field of programming, the development of information and educational environment of the University, which is declared by the state regulations, as well as the implementation of the social order of the society on the formation of information and communication competence of the modern user in any sphere of public production and private life.

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