Improving the university’s information and educational environment in the context of the country's economy digitalization

Ludmila Mironova, Vladimir Alekhin, Al-Mahfadi Marwan Abdulahalek Abdula, Hussein Abdullah


The article analyzes the existing approaches to the definition of the information educational environment (IEE) of the university. It is shown that the variety of IEE interpretations depends on technological, organizational, instrumental foundations. When defining IEE, the psychological and pedagogical approach proposed by V.A. Krutetskiy was used, which is based on information interaction. The principles of creating IEE and its goals, depending on the functions of the information system of the university, are considered. The purpose of the article is, based on the analysis of the most common digital technologies, to determine the directions for improving the information and educational environment of the university through research and development of a new distributed educational resource and services for studying and modeling digital technologies used in a particular branch of the digital economy.

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