Analysis of the influence of seismic impacts on the state of structures and rocks. Overview of the regulatory framework

Yaroslav Zlobin, Kseniya Kashtanova, Ludmila Mironova, Zoya Belyaeva


The relevance of the article is due to the low awareness of the population about the possible consequences of an earthquake, as well as ways to prevent and prevent it already at the stage of designing a construction site. The article provides a comparative analysis of Russian and European design standards, which made it possible to identify their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, as a result of a review of Russian and foreign literature, an analysis was made of the development of scientific ideas about the stress-strain state of the geological environment as a result of seismic impacts. Based on the prerequisites set out in the text of the article, options for adjusting the maps of seismic activity of the territories are proposed. As a result of the analysis of the scientific literature, it was concluded that the behavior of soils and structures of buildings and structures during strong earthquakes remains poorly understood and is not always well described by existing mathematical models.


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(c) 2023 Yaroslav Zlobin, Kseniya Kashtanova, Ludmila Mironova, Zoya Belyaeva