Изображение сцены «Воскрешение Лазаря» на памятниках раннехристианского искусства

Olga Vladimirovna Osharina+


One of the popular symbols of the Resurrection in early Christian Egypt was the composition with Lazarus. The subject of «The Raising of Lazarus» is based on the text of the Gospel by John (John 11.1-45). From the very beginning the earliest depictions of Lazarus appear in the paintings of the catacombs, and then on the sarcophagi and items of applied art. As a rule, they are associated with the funeral context and go back to two iconographic traditions: the Greco-Roman and the Near Eastern.

Ключевые слова

история Египта, культура Египта, раннехристианское искусство, сюжет «воскрешение Лазаря».

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