Парадигмы мужской и женской святости в византийской агиографии

Irina Sergeyevna Okhlupina


The article presents the sampling study of the images of holy men and women in the hagiographical literature of Byzantium (7th – 12th centuries) on the basis of the three types of sanctity (celibate monastic saint, the former spouse in the monastery, lay sanctity). The images of male and female saints had common features. The particular properties of the male and female saints’ images connected with gender stereotypes of Byzantine society had been evaluated. The image of female saint associated with emotionality, female skills, contraposition of female weakness and male virtues. The image of saint laywomen was related with virtues of good wife. The image of male saint was characterized by such virtues as wisdom, literacy, successfulness in the social field. The saint layman often turned away from domestic troubles.

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Византия, агиография, гендерные исследования.

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