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About the stabilization of the dendritic structure of GG brand copper powder

O. G. Reznikova, A. B. Darintseva, I. B. Murashova


In industry copper powder is recieved under constant DC. Surface roughening occurs during evolution of the dendritic particles. It is suggested to create a new impulse of current equal to the initial current density of 3200 A/m2 in order to obtain uniform structure of the precipitate. Current load was evaluated by the result of chronopotentiometry research of the dynamics of the dendritic precipitate on cylindrical electrode. Four-impulse galvanostatic electrolysis was investigated for the copper powder GG. New current impulse shifts the electrode potential to the cathodic area, crystallization process flows more rapidly.


electrolytic metal powders; powder metallurgy; copper powder

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Copyright (c) 2015 O. G. Reznikova, A. B. Darintseva, I. B. Murashova

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014-2024
ISSN 2411-1414 (Online)
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