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The choice of the conditions to receive the electrolytic zinc powders for metal-rich compositions

A. V. Patrushev, T. N. Ostanina, V. M. Rudoy, A. V. Vereshchagina, O. L. Zalesova, A. S. Soloviev, N. I. Shtirba


In the work a method of obtaining highly dispersed zinc powders by electrolysis and comparison of the properties of zinc-rich compositions prepared using as a pigment zinc powders obtained by different methods is provided. Conducted measurements have shown that the electrical conductivity of zinc-rich coatings comprising electrolytic zinc powder does not inferior to the conductivity of the film with PZHD-0 powder obtained by the  evaporation-condensation method, despite the significant difference in the amount of zinc pigment. On the basis of the received data one can conclude that the use of electrolytic zinc powder as a pigment will significantly save zinc.


superfine powders; zinc; electrolysis; cinnabarine composition; specific conductance

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Copyright (c) 2015 A. V. Patrushev, T. N. Ostanina, V. M. Rudoy, A. V. Veretchagina, O. L. Zalesova, A. S. Soloviev, N. I. Shtyrba

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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