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The effect of fluorine-containing inhibitors of corrosion of copper in atmospheric conditions

M. G. Ivanov, A. V. Nechaev, V. S. Mokrushin, O. I. Ostroukhova


The effect of fluorine-containing inhibitors of corrosion of copper in atmospheric conditions was studied by method of removing anodic polarization curves and corrosion of full-scale tests. The introduction of the inhibiting compositions as corrosion inhibitor of copper polyfluorinated amines leads to a decrease of the peak current of active dissolution of copper, which increases the corrosion resistance of copper wire rod during transportation in various climate conditions.


polarization curves; polyfluorinated amines; copper wire rods; corrosion inhibitor

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Copyright (c) 2016 M. G. Ivanov, A. V. Nechaev, V. S. Mokrushin, O. I. Ostroukhova

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ISSN 2411-1414 (Online)
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