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Conditions for the formation of a non-autonomous phase at the structural deformation of complex vanadium oxides

M. V. Rotermel, T. I. Krasnenko, S. A. Petrova, S. G. Titova


A new previously unknown effect of a reversible transition from a single-phase system to a heterophase system containing a non-autonomous phase was observed during thermal and chemical deformations of the Zn2-2xCd2xV2O7 structure.The role of local symmetry in the formation of the non-autonomous phase is shown on the basis of X-ray diffraction studies in situ and a comparative crystal-chemical analysis of the structural deformations of isoform monoclinic solid solutions of zinc and copper pyrovanadates with zero volumetric thermal expansion.


non-autonomous phase; volume thermal expansion; M2V2O7

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Copyright (c) 2017 Maria Rotermel, Tatjana Krasnenko, Sofia Petrova, Svetlana Titova

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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