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Simulation of borosilicate glasses with non-constant force field molecular dynamics

Anton A. Raskovalov


In this study the simulation of microscopical behavior of borosilicate glasses was conducted with non-constant force field molecular dynamics. The suggested model consists of classical pair potentials in the Buckingham form, long range Coulomb interaction, intramolecular bonded interactions and possibility of bond breaking and formation. The latter effects are accompanied by changes in the types of the bond-forming particles. The simulated system corresponds to the structure of borosilicate glasses with predominantly four-coordinated boron atoms. Different structure groups are formed due to the dissociation / formation of intramolecular bonds, and the processes of the glass network rearrangement intensifies with temperature increasing.


molecular dynamics; non-constant force field; glass; borate; silicate

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Copyright (c) 2018 Anton Alexandrovich Raskovalov

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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