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Radiation-stimulated adsorption processes on the surface of beryllium oxide

Turgara T. Tusseyev, Aktolkyn K. Danlybaeva, Saltanat S. Raimkul, Aizhan A. Kiykabaeva, Ospan M. Doszhanov


The paper presents the study results of photo and gamma radiation effect on the beryllium oxide (BeO) surface properties. Photoadsorption studies of О2 on BeO by the methods of infrared (IR) spectroscopy and manometry with a change in the temperature of preliminary annealing from 473 to 1073 K show that samples subjected to preliminary training at 473 K are most active. The maximum of adsorption activity on g-irradiated beryllium oxide is observed on the samples annealed at 673 K before the irradiation. The maximum of paramagnetic centers (PMCs) is also observed on samples annealed at this temperature. Comparison of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and adsorption studies shows that absorption of H2 and O2 leads to the destruction of paramagnetic centers. It is assumed that, upon irradiation, adsorption centers with electron and hole modes are formed on the surface of BeO.


adsorption; irradiation; beryllium oxide; surface defects; spectra; temperature

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Copyright (c) 2021 Turgara T. Tusseyev, Aktolkyn K. Danlybaeva, Saltanat S. Raimkul, Aizhan A. Kiykabaeva, Ospan M. Doszhanov

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014-2024
ISSN 2411-1414 (Online)
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