Phytoextraction of toxic elements by Amaranthus Tricolor grown on technogenically polluted soils in open ground conditions
Using the INAA method, the ability of Amaranthus tricolor L. variety “Valentina” growing on soils with different degree of pollution to extract heavy metals was evaluated in the field experiments. It was found that amaranth of the studied variety characterized by the content of betacianin pigment, amaranthine, in the shoots and generative organ, is able to accumulate elements such as Mn, Fe and Ni from soils. The content of most of the studied elements decreases in the following order: leaves > inflorescences > stems. Under conditions of soil pollution with emissions from metallurgical plant, the phytoextraction of such elements as Mn, Fe, Co, Sb increases. The content of Fe and Mn in the leaves of A. tricolor var. “Valentina” exceeds the average data for vegetation from 7 to 17 times; the Co content exceeds the average data for vegetable from 4 to 7 times; the Sb content in the leaves exceeds the average data for vegetable from 10 to 23 times. Due to the fact that amaranth forms a sufficient biomass for the growing season, it can be recommended for phytoextraction of heavy metals from soils in case of polymetallic pollution.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/chimtech.2022.9.2.S8
Copyright (c) 2022 Svetlana V. Gorelova, Murat S. Gins, Marina V. Frontasyeva

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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