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Investigation of physical and chemical parameters of the raw hydrocarbon material base of Kaliningrad region for the concept development of an oil refinery

Pavel Shcherban, Yakov Masyutin, Anna Vatagina, Margarita Belova, Alexander Stolyarenko


The article analyzes the factors that determine the necessity of oil refinery construction in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The assessment of the existing and prospective raw material base is performed. The data for the development of the feasibility study for an oil refinery construction are formed and analyzed. Taking into account the outdated data on the parameters of hydrocarbon raw materials produced in the region, as well as significant changes in the raw material base due to the tendency to develop offshore, rather than continental, fields the physical and chemical parameters of the oil fields of the Kaliningrad region are investigated for the possibility of their further use in oil refining in order to obtain high-quality gasoline and diesel fuel. The laboratory studies of oil samples on viscosity, density, fractional composition, content of sulfur, chloride salts, mechanical impurities, water, and flash point determination are carried out on the basis of the Russian state standards. The different variants of the refinery layouts are analyzed, considering the available raw material base. Taking into account the initial data obtained, a preliminary pre-design study of the technological scheme and the refinery mass balance is carried out and presented in the article.


oil quality; fractional composition; refinery design; regional energy security; physical and chemical oil analysis

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Copyright (c) 2022 Pavel Shcherban, Yakov Masyutin, Anna Vatagina, Margarita Belova, Alexander Stolyarenko

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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