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Novel Nb5+-doped hexagonal perovskite Ba5In2Al2ZrO13 (structure, hydration, electrical conductivity)

Roman D. Andreev, Daniil V. Korona, Irina A. Anokhina, Irina E. Animitsa


The new phase Ba5In2Al2Zr0.9Nb0.1O13.05 with hexagonal perovskite structure was obtained. The substitution of Zr4+ by smaller Nb5+ was accompanied by the incorporation of the oxygen interstitials and did not lead to a significant change in the lattice parameters. It was established that the investigated sample was capable for water incorporation from the gas phase, the hydration degree value was 0.24 mol H2O. IR-spectroscopy analysis defined the presence of
OH-groups with different thermal stability, which participate in different hydrogen bonds. The new phase Ba5In2Al2Zr0.9Nb0.1O13.05 demonstrates the predominant protonic conductivity at pH2O = 2·10−2 atm and Т<600 °C.


hexagonal perovskite; proton conductivity; hydration; transport properties

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Copyright (c) 2022 Roman D. Andreev, Daniil V. Korona, Irina A. Anokhina, Irina E. Animitsa

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