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Corrosion of diffusion zinc coatings in sodium chloride solutions

Alexander I. Biryukov, Dmitry A. Zakharyevich, Tatyana V. Batmanova, Rashit G. Galin, Maksim N. Ulyanov, Vladimir E. Zhivulin


Diffusion galvanizing is widely used in the pipe industry for coating the threaded surface of pipe couplings, protecting water and gas pipelines, and other metal products. Diffusion coatings have a number of advantages over other types of zinc coatings. In this work, electrochemical and gravimetric methods are used to study the corrosion behavior of diffusion zinc coatings in sodium chloride solutions. The corrosion rate depends non-linearly on the thickness of the coating. At the initial stages, the corrosion rate of coatings depends on the structure of the phases on the surface, and with an increase in the holding time, the corrosion rate depends to a greater extent on the properties of the products formed during the corrosion process. Films of corrosion products of diffusion zinc coatings consist of zinc oxide/hydroxide and basic zinc salts, while the composition of the film changes with increasing coating thickness.


corrosion; sherardizing; zinc; coatings

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Copyright (c) 2022 Alexander I. Biryukov, Dmitry A. Zakharyevich, Tanyana V. Batmanova, Rashit G. Galin, Maksim N. Ulyanov, Vladimir E. Zhivulin

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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