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Membrane techniques for removal detergents and petroleum products from carwash effluents: a review

Eman S. Awad, Siraj M. Abdulla, T. M. Sabirova, Qusay F. Alsalhy


One of the most significant urban services is the carwash, which generates large amounts of wastewater containing a variety of pollutants, including sand, gravel, suspended solids, surfactants, oil products, diesel cleaners, etc., that may cause environmental pollution when transferred to the sewage system without any treatment. The effective treatment is crucial to prevent environmental pollution as well as to recycle the water source. Contaminants are removed from carwash effluent using a variety of treatment technologies. This review focuses on identifying and comparing efficiency of using advanced commercial and modified membrane filtration techniques, meeting discharge standard regulations, to treat carwash impurities, especially detergents/surfactants (anionic surfactant) and petroleum products (oil/grease). The results of this review indicate that ultrafiltration membrane (UF) is the most common membrane filtration technology for carwash wastewater treatment. Additionally, the adoption of traditional pre-treatment processes may be advantageous before utilization of membrane process for treating carwash wastewater; although conventional treatment processes can produce a high quality of effluent, they are less effective than membrane systems.


anionic surfactant; carwash; membrane filtration; modified membranes; water consumption; wastewater

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Copyright (c) 2022 Eman S. Awad, Siraj M. Abdulla, T.M. Sabirova, Qusay F. Alsalhy

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