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The influence of the magnesium alloys microstructure on the cathodic hydrogen evolution

A. L. Gabov, I. S. Belosludtsev, N. A. Medvedeva, N. E. Skryabina, D. Fruchart


Solubility of several transition metal chlorides (NiCl2, CrCl2, MoCl3, FeCl2) was measured in KCl-AlCl3 based melts. It was found that the solubility of studied metal chlorides depends on K : Al mole ratio. MoCl3 solubility decreases with increasing AlCl3 content. Solubility of CrCl2 and FeCl2 reaches maximum at K : Al ratio of 1 and decreases when this ratio either de-creases or increases. The dependence of NiCl2 solubility on K : Al mole ratio is V-shaped with the maximum near 0.9–0.95. The effect of temperature on solubility of transition metal chlorides in KCl-AlCl3 melts was also investigated. Increasing temperature does not  alter the character of «solubility – K : Al mole ratio» dependences.


The process of equal channel angular pressing; cathodic process; kinetics


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Copyright (c) 2014 A. L. Gabov, I. S. Belosludtsev, N. A. Medvedeva, N. E. Skryabina, D. Fruchart

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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