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Use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to assess the stability of the anion exchange membrane MA-41, modified by poly-N,N-diallylmorpholine bromide in overlimiting current modes

Denis A. Bondarev, Aslan R. Achoh, Alexander V. Bespalov, Stanislav S. Melnikov, Mikhail V. Sharafan, Viktor I. Zabolotskiy


The paper presents the results of studying the electrochemical characteristics and long-term stability of MA-41 membranes on the surface of which poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium bromide was applied. The deposition of a polyelectrolyte on the membrane surface leads to an increase in the limiting current from 0.8 to 1.1 mA/cm2. The comparison of the experimental and theoretically calculated values of the limiting current density allows us to conclude that the modification of the membrane surface by poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium bromide does not lead to the formation of a continuous polyelectrolyte film on the surface, but its fixation occurs due to the sorption of macromolecules on the surface of the ion-exchanger particles. To quantify the rate of the water dissociation reaction at the membrane/solution interface, the method of electrochemical impedance was used, which makes it possible to compare the rate constants of the water dissociation reaction for different membranes, assuming that the reaction is described by the Gericher impedance. It is shown that modification of the MA-41 membrane surface leads to a decrease in the rate of the water dissociation reaction in the current range i = 1.5–4ilim by a factor of 2–6. The reduction in water dissociation reaction rate is attributed to the substitution of catalytically active secondary and tertiary amino groups in the surface layer of the pristine membrane by stable heterocyclic ammonium bases of poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium. The study of the long-term stability of the resulting membrane showed that when the membrane is polarized with a current equal to  twice the limiting current, the desorption of the modifier occurs within 25 h, and the properties of the membrane become close to those of the unmodified MA-41 membrane. It was shown that the electrochemical impedance method can be used as a very sensitive method for studying the long-term stability of ion-exchange membranes.


electrochemical stability; electrochemical impedance; modification; poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium bromide

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Copyright (c) 2023 Denis A. Bondarev, Aslan R. Achoh, Alexander V. Bespalov, Stanislav S. Melnikov, Mikhail V. Sharafan, Viktor I. Zabolotskiy

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
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