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Formation mechanism of SnS films by chemical bath deposition from aqueous solutions

E. A. Fedorova, E. A. Bazanova, L. N. Maskaeva, V. F. Markov


The results of investigation of the growth mechanism of SnS thin films prepared by hydrochemical deposition by means of a scanning probe microscopy are presented. According to the results of a comparative analysis of layers morphology at different growth stages and the use of fractal formalism growth model of SnS films by clustercluster aggregation with elements of self-organization is proposed. It is shown that there is a solid layer, which again are deposited particles of the solution. The process has expressed periodic self-organizing nature. The study showed that the proposed model of film growth SnS when hydrochemical deposition agrees well with ex-periments and proves difficult coagulation mechanism of the formation of hard phase of the saturated aqueous solution.


hydrochemical deposition; films; tin sulfide; cluster-cluster aggregation


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Copyright (c) 2014 E. A. Fedorova, E. A. Bazanova, L. N. Maskaeva, V. F. Markov

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014-2024
ISSN 2411-1414 (Online)
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