ISSN: 2782-5914 (Print)
ISSN: 2782-5906 (Online)
Badiou, A. (2004), Deleuze: «La clameur de l’Etre», translated by Skopin, D., Pragmatika kul’tury, Logos-Al’tera, Esse homo, Moscow, 184 p. (in Russian).
Derrida, J. (2005), Rogues: Two Essays on Reason, translated by Brault, P.-A. and Naas, M., Stanford University Press, Stanford, 200 p.
Heidegger, M. (1997), Sein und Zeit, translated by Bibikhin, V. V., Ad Marginem, Moscow, 451 p. (in Russian).
Latour, B. (2004), Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy, translated by Porter, C., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 320 p.
Latour, B. (2014), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, translated by Polonskaya, I., Izdatel’skii dom Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki, Moscow, 384 p. (in Russian).
Marramao, G. (2012), The Passage West: Philosophy and Globalisation, translated by Mandarini, M., Verso, London, New York, 272 p.
Nancy, J.-L. (2004), Êtresingulierpluriel, translated by Furs, V. V. and Shchittsova, T. V. (ed.), Logvinov, Minsk, 272 p. (in Russian).
Nancy, J.-L. (2007), The Creation of the World or Globalization, translated by Raffoul, F. and Pettigrew, D., State University of New York Press, New York, 138 p.
Osborne, P. (2018), The Postconceptual Condition: Critical Essays, Verso, London, New York, 223 p.
Turchin, V. (ed.) (1966), Fiziki shutyat [Physicists joke], Mir, Moscow, 156 p. (in Russian).