ISSN: 2782-5914 (Print)
ISSN: 2782-5906 (Online)

Balzac, H. (1982), Sobranie sochineniy, v 10 tomakh. Tom 1, Chelovecheskaya komediya, Predislovie k «Chelovecheskoi komedii», Etyudy o nravakh, Stseny chastnoi zhizni [Collected Works, in 10 vols, Vol. 1, Human Comedy, Preface to The Human Comedy, Studies on morals, Private scenes], translated by Yakovleva, N. G., Khudozhestvennaya literature , Moscow, 671 p. (in Russian).
Baudelaire, Ch. (1986a), “Salon de 1859”, translated by Stolyarova, N. I. and Lipman, L. D., in Baudelaire, Ch., Ob iskusstve [About Art], Iskusstvo, Moscow, pp. 181–240 (in Russian).
Baudelaire, Ch. (1986b), “Salon de 1846”, translated by Stolyarova, N. I. and Lipman, L. D., in Baudelaire, Ch., Ob iskusstve [About Art], Iskusstvo, Moscow, pp. 61–129 (in Russian).
Baudelaire, Ch. (1986c), “Le poète de la vie moderne”, translated by Stolyarova, N. I. and Lipman, L. D., in Baudelaire, Ch., Ob iskusstve [About Art], Iskusstvo, Moscow, pp. 283–315 (in Russian).
Benjamin, W. (2015), Baudelaire, translated by Romashko, S., Ad Marginem Press, Moscow, 224 p. (in Russian).
Calhoun, C. (2012), “Classical social theory and the French revolution of 1848”, translated by Safronov R., Logos, no. 4 (88), pp. 143–171 (in Russian).
Gadamer, H.-G. (1988), Wahrheit und methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, translated by Zhurinskaya, M. A., Zemlyanoi, S. N., Rybakov, A. A. and Burova I. N., Progress, Moscow, 704 p. (in Russian).
Habermas, Ü. (1992), “Die Moderne — ein unvollendetes Projekt”, translated by Grigor’ev, A. B., Voprosy filosofii, no. 4, pp. 40–52 (in Russian).
Heidegger, M. (1993), “Der europäische Nihilismus”, in Heidegger, M., Vremya i bytie. Stat’i i vystupleniya [Time and being. Articles and speeches], translated by Bibikhin, V. V., Respublika, Moscow, pp. 63–176 (in Russian).
Kant, I. (1994), Kritik der Urteilskraft, translated by Sokolov, N. M., Iskusstvo, Moscow, 367 p. (in Russian).
Karel’skii, A. V. (1992), Drama nemetskogo romantizma [Drama of German Romanticism], Medium, Moscow, 335 p. (in Russian).
Koselleck, R. (2004), “Über die Verfügbarkeit der Geschichte (In: Vergangene Zukunft: zur Semantik geschichtlicher Zeiten)”, translated by Mironova, M., Otechestvennye zapiski, no. 5, available at: ya-istoriey-iz-knigi-proshedshee-budushchee-k-voprosu-o-semantike-istoricheskogo-vremeni (accessed 27 February 2015) (in Russian).
Lotman, Yu. M. (1992), “Dolls in the cultural system”, in Lotman, Yu. M., Izbrannye stat’i, v 3 tomakh. Tom 1, Stat’i po semiotike i tipologii kul’tury [Selected articles, in 3 vols, Vol. 1, Articles on semiotics and typology of culture], Aleksandra, Tallin, pp. 377–380 (in Russian).
Moskovici, S. (2011), L’âge des foules, translated by Emel’yanova T. P., Akademicheskii proekt, Moscow, 396 p. (in Russian).
Nietzsche, F. (1910), Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, v 10 tomakh. Tom 9, Volya k vlasti. Opyt pereotsenki vsekh tsennostei (1884–1888) [Complete works, in 10 vols, Vol. 9, The Will to Power. The Experience of Revaluation of All Values (1884–1888)], translated by Zelinskii, F., Frank, S., Rachinskii, G. and Berman, Ya. (eds)., Moskovskoe knigoizdatel’stvo, Tovarishchestvo skoropechatni A. A. Levenson, Moscow, xxxiv, 362 p. (in Russian).
Plato (1993), “Phaedrus”, translated by Egunov, A. N., in Plato, Sobranie sochinenii, v 4 tomakh. Tom 2 [Collected works, in 4 vols, Vol. 2], Mysl’, Moscow, pp. 135–191 (in Russian).
Poe, E. (1979), “The Man of the Crowd”, translated by Bekker, M., in Poe, E., Rasskazy [Stories], Udmurtiya, Izhevsk, pp. 55–65 (in Russian).
Reifman, B. V. (2015), “Тwilight owl, announcing the horror noon (Nietzsches concept of the ‘mass’, its interpretation M. Heidegger and some other conceptualization this notion implied phenomenon)”, Voprosy filosofii, no. 1, pp. 139–149 (in Russian).
Tarde, G. (2015), L’opinion et la foule, translated by Kogan, P. S., 2nd ed., Lenard, Moscow, 208 p. (in Russian).
Yampol’skii, M. B. (1993), Vidimyi mir. Ocherki rannei kinofenomenologii [The visible world. Essays on Early Cinema Phenomenology], Cinema Research Institute, Central Film Museum, International Film School, Moscow, 216 p. (in Russian).