The Welfare And Public Health Of The Population Of Russia: Adaptation To Economic Volatility

Aleksandr A. Kuklin, Yelena V. Vasilyeva


The article presents the results of a research into the interrelation between of welfare and the public health of the Russian population in the context of economic volatility. The authors review the indicators used both in Russian and international practice for the assessment of the public sentiments dynamics. The concept of “socio-psychological potential of a region” is shown to be the indicator of the public health. Based on this concept, the pattern of the potential has been formed. It has been developed a methodology for the assessment of the socio-psychological potential of a region, which is based on the central idea of the integrated estimation of the potential of a region as a whole and also from the point of its separate components. The article provides the assessment of the potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The authors determine the nature and strength of the relationships between the welfare indicators and the level of the socio-psychological potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation based on the construction of correlation matrices, and besides they identify regional patterns and trends.


welfare; population; public health; socio-psychological potential; the regions of Russia

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Copyright (c) 2018 Aleksandr A. Kuklin, Yelena V. Vasilyeva

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Online ISSN 2412-0731