The Innovative Capacity Of A Territory In Behavioral Assessments Of Its Population

Alexandr I. Tatarkin, Kseniya A. Novikova


The paper provides a rationale for substantive and formalized definition of a territory’s capacity, outlines its innovative component in the unity of «subject/process/object-oriented» approach to its substantive content and performance assessment. It elaborates a system of mechanisms and institutions to build the innovative capacity of regions and territories, outlines the most effective areas of its use for spatial socioeconomic development. The paper also defines priority problems that require solutions and can ensure the increasing performance of a territory. These problems and variants of their solutions featured in the discussions held at the Gaidar International Economic Forum in Moscow (2015) and the 12th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, as demonstrated in this paper by the analysis of some presentations made at the forums. The paper shows the change in priorities of global innovative development in the second half of the 20th and early 21st century. It examines and provides the summary of research and practices in the area of using the innovative solutions for developing individual teams and territories, making a spatial arrangement of regions and the Russian Federation as a whole. The development of a territory and its capacity depends on many factors; however, elevating the role of knowledge, intellectual resources and involving the population in the governance process by developing and implementing various programs and projects play an increasing role in the current environment. The paper analyzes positive aspects of using the business projects as the primary mechanism for implementing the programs and plans involving the market institutions and public-private partnership (PPP). It assesses the role of teams and population in boosting the innovative activities and systemic development of territories.


territory’s capacity; region; development; space; knowledge; innovative capacity; its substance; structure; program and project planning; public-private partnership (PPP); its role in the systemic development of territories; innovative capacity

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Copyright (c) 2018 Alexandr I. Tatarkin, Kseniya A. Novikova

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731