Development of Human Resources Structure for Health Resort Facilities of the Republic of Crimea

Svetlana Yu. Tsekhla, Nataliya A. Simchenko, Elena A. Polishchuk


The subject matter of this study focuses on the laws and mechanisms of employment in various sectors of the labor market of the Republic of Crimea. The article is devoted to the research of staffing structure for the development of business activities in the Republic of Crimea, in particular, for the health resort complex, to identify priority areas of regional employment policy.

The main hypothesis of the research is as follows: there is a discrepancy between the basic parameters of the Crimean labor market transformation and the educational system that makes their proper interaction impossible, causing inconsistencies between the needs and demands of the labor market and the level of training (in particular, in the health resort complex) and the formal qualification of graduates of educational establishments.

The methodological framework of the research is based on a systemic approach in studying the labor market of the Republic of Crimea and the use of statistical methods of analysis of the labor market conjuncture.

The study analyzed the dynamics of socio-economic development of the Crimean region. The Crimean regional labor market conjuncture was studied, allowing the identification of the main causes of the imbalances in the development of the labor market. The analysis was made with regard to the qualifications of medical professionals graduating from educational establishments and groups of factors affecting the staffing structure were properly identified. The study of reasons of the Crimean labor market discrepancies showed that the current imbalance was caused by both objective and subjective reasons.

Priority directions for employment policies have been suggested for the health resort complex. Their implementation will make the stabilization of the situation related to medical staff possible, including for the health resort complex. Such steps will also help improve the potential of human resources, capable of providing highly professional services to holidaymakers; contribute to the effective solution of problems of development of the Republic of Crimea under new economic conditions.


health resort complex; staffing; labor market; employment; unemployment

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Copyright (c) 2018 Svetlana Yu. Tsekhla, Nataliya A. Simchenko, Elena A. Polishchuk

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731