Evaluation of the Current State of Aquatic Ecosystems and the Problems of the Protection of Biological Resources during Development of Kruzenshternskoye GCF
The results of studies of the current state of freshwater ecosystems and their biotic components in the western part of the Yamal Peninsula are presented in the article. Based on the evaluation of the structure of communities of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, and whitefishes, the range of problems related to the protection of biological resources during the development of the Kruzenshternskoye gas field is defined. The data on species composition and quantitative indicators of hydrobionts of different types of waterbodies and watercourses in the lower reaches of the Mordyyakha and Naduyyakha Rivers basins is the basis for environmental monitoring of water objects during development and exploitation of the Kruzenshternskoye gas field.
Estimation of the fish fauna state and their food base in the territory of the Kruzenshternskoye GCF according to the monitoring program is present. The river delta zones are the most important feeding areas of the salmonid and whitefishes valuable fish species in the territory of Kruzenshternskoye GCF. In cases where water bodies and watercourses are not completely demolished for the construction of GCF facilities, changes of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of communities of hydrobionts after the end of operations are reversible. River ecosystems are restored within a shorter period of time in comparison to lacustrine ones.
Proposals for the protection of fisheries resources and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems on the basis of comprehensive studies are reported. Recommendations on reducing the anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems in the development period are present. The results of the investigation were used in the development of the environmental protection part of the Kruzenshternskoye deposit project. Anthropogenic disturbances present now on the gas deposit territory of Kruzenshternskoye does not influence the aquatic ecosystems.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2015.3.014
Copyright (c) 2018 Vladimir D. Bogdanov, Leonid N. Stepanov, Elena N. Bogdanova, Irina P. Melnichenko, Margarita I. Yarushina
Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731