Redevelopment of the arctic area of Russia as an objective of systems research and special-purpose program management methodological issues

Vladimir N. Leksin, Boris N. Porfiryev


This paper is focused on the substantiation of the methodological foundations behind the implementation of regulatory and legal documents related to the development of the Russian Arctic, based on the hypothesis that this development represents the most ambitious, integral megaproject in the history of Russia. This substantiation is underpinned by a project approach to the identification of a subject of study and a system approach to the assessment of a possibility of forming an integral structure of the megaproject, in principle, in the conditions of abnormally high differences between the territorial components of the Arctic zone of Russia, as well as to the analysis of the dependence of Russian Arctic redevelopment pattern, mechanisms and rate on external and internal factors. This has resulted in the formation of a set of the consistent methodological positions designed for practical use in the government control of the Arctic Region development in the foreseeable future. The most important one of them is to identify the object of the government control of Arctic zone development as a systemically organized generality of many coordinated actions of federal, regional and municipal authorities, corporations, entrepreneurs and civil society institutions joined by a unity of purpose and by naturally established and specially organized economic, social and infrastructural links. The government control of this object is possible only based on the principles of systemacity and rational proportion of centralization, decentralization and continuity of management activities specializing solely in the Arctic problems. To this end, a principally new methodological problem arises: to integrate the Arctic zone territorial unit development projects and programs for the bene t of achieving the common goals of the Arctic megaproject with the review of the previously determined development prospects for these units, with making necessary corrections in them. The paper presents the relevant recommendations


Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; redevelopment; integrated development; methodology; program- and target-oriented management; development projects; Arctic megaproject; system approach; territorial units; integration

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Copyright (c) 2018 Vladimir N. Leksin, Boris N. Porfiryev

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731