The regional ranking of human capital development in Russia
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Svidetelstvo ob ofits. registratsii programmy dlya EVM №2013661498. Sistemnaya diagnostika sostoyaniya natsionalnogo bogatstva regionov Rossii (Tekst) [Official registration certificate for computer program No. 2013661498. Systemic diagnostics of national wealth in the Russian eegions (Text)]. Kuklin A. A., Myzin A. L., Gurban I. A., Pykhov P.A., Denisova O.A.; applicants and right holders: Kuklin A. A., Myzin A. L., Gurban I. A., Pykhov P.A., Denisova O.A., Lykov I. A. (RU). — № 2013619329; application date: 10/11/2013; publication date: 12/10/2013., 1.
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