Institutional and organizational featu res of cross-border ca RGO traffic in the post-soviet space integration terms. Part II.

Valery A. Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Kh. Zoidov, Alexey A. Medkov, Valentina N. Ionicheva


The article covers the technical, technological, institutional, and organizational barriers of cross-border transportation of cargo. The study uses an institutional approach as a methodological alternative to other approaches. The study touches on institutional and organizational problems of border crossing checkpoints arrangement, the consequences of the application of uni ed transport documents and the introduction of electronic communication forms. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of demonstrative actions and the daily practice of reducing the time of customs procedures and reducing transaction costs of cross-border cargo traffic. Herewith it is indicated that the most effective way to improve the efficiency of cross-border transportation of cargo suggests the simultaneous implementation of technical and institutional innovations.

Emphasis is placed on identifying the institutional and organizational features of the international road transportation of cargo, in particular, the problems of the evolution of the guaranteed customs duties payment institute, the permission system in the implementation of cross-border cargo traffic. The fact that the state support of national entrepreneurs requires a mechanism to ensure the parity of Russian and foreign carriers, at least in the eld of cargo transportation for state needs, with the involvement of credit resources of government-linked banks is highlighted. It is underlined that the first step towards improving the institutional environment of international road transportation should envisage the elimination of all informal (shadow) relations in this sphere.

The article identifies institutional features of cargo transportation in specific areas such as deliveries by road to China through Kazakhstan, and the challenges and prospects for the use and development of transit potential of Kaliningrad Region. The article shows institutional and organizational characteristics of combined transportation in cross-border traffic.

The article concludes that the development of cross-border transportation of cargo and the implementation of transport and transit potential of EAEU member states may and should become a powerful source of income for business entities, budgets of all levels and households, as well as the driving force of industrial and technological upgrading and institutional and organizational evolution of economic systems of the countries and integration associations.


institutions and organizations; customs operations; the Eurasian Economic Union; railway transportation; road transport; advance notification; e-declaration; transport-transit potential

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Copyright (c) 2018 Valery A. Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Kh. Zoidov, Alexey A. Medkov, Valentina N. Ionicheva

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 28.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731