Regional differentiation of human potential indicators

Vyacheslav V. Lokosov, Yelena V. Ryumina, Vladimir V. Ulyanov


The purpose of the study presented in this article is an interregional analysis of human potential. The quality of the population proper is investigated at the regional level far less than the quality of the population life. The article provides an extended characteristic of human potential in seven directions: economic activity, demographic processes, physical health, the cultural potential of population, social health, educational potential, the attitude of population to the environment. On the basis of official statistics for 2008–2012, there were selected 63 indicators characterizing human potential in all these directions. In the final result, the correlation analysis has led to the substantiation of the system of indicators for the level of human potential development, consisting of 10 indicators. The system included 3 economic indicators and 7 social indicators characterizing human potential. Upon these indicators the Russian regions were divided in two types of regions by means of hierarchic agglomerative (combining) methods of cluster analysis: the regions with economic indicators and without them. The performed calculations provided the typology of regions by the human potential indicators being stable over time and covering 74.4 % of the Russian population. A substantial interpretation of breaking down regions by groups, identification of both strong and weak aspects of each cluster were made, finding out specific features of the regions falling under the clusters. The obtained results can be used when working out measures for reducing the interregional inequality in the levels of human potential development. To find out what measures can be effective, it is possible to examine the strategic directions of regions’ development in the cluster that is the most successful with respect to the human potential characteristics under investigation.


human potential; quality of population; human resources; cluster analysis; regional level; typology of regions; economic indicators; social indicators; Federal subjects; interregional analysis

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Copyright (c) 2018 Vyacheslav V. Lokosov, Yelena V. Ryumina, Vladimir V. Ulyanov

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731