Architectonics of the “anti-crisis” information-analytical system

Aleksandr A. Kuklin, Sergey A. Okhotnikov, Lev A. Korshunov


This article presents a schematic diagram of the «Anticrisis» information analysis system, which aims at a comprehensive assessment of the parameters of the economic security of the Subjects of the Russian Federation while taking into account diverse risks, threats and the forecasting thereof. The schema re ects the interaction of the individual software modules that it comprises. It describes the integration of the modules with a uni ed database management system: access to the database, automatic backup and restore of databases in real-time and transmission of data over an open channel using modern encryption algorithms. The basic units of the system consist in: a unit for diagnosing the state of economic security; a unit for the welfare of the individual and residential area; a unit for extremism; a correlation unit; a modelling unit for the forecasting of the security of Subjects of the Russian Federation. As part of the simulation unit, a primary generalised mathematical model, based on a system of nonlinear differential equations, designed to take account of the correction factors, as well as taking into account all types of interaction indicators, is provided. The main types optimisation problems of interaction metrics are compiled using generalised models. Forecasts from 2016 to 2020 are generated on the basis of constructed optimisation propositions.


«Anticrisis» information analysis system; nonlinear prediction; individual welfare and inhabited areas; socio- economic crises; threat probability; diagnosis of socio-economic status of the Ural Federal District

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Copyright (c) 2018 Aleksandr A. Kuklin, Sergey A. Okhotnikov, Lev A. Korshunov

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731