Implementing urgent transport and transit projects based on public-private partnership in Russia

Valery A. Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Kh. Zoidov, Alexey A. Medkov


The article examines the main areas for implementing urgent transport and transit projects based on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Russia. This paper continues the study of theory and practice of using PPP to implement the investment projects aimed at developing and realizing the transport and transit potential of Russia. The authors used the methodological basis of the evolutionary and institutional theory, historical approach, system analysis, and theory of the rm to examine the ongoing projects aimed at developing the transport and transit system in Russia based on PPP, such as construction of high-speed Moscow — Kazan highway with its subsequent extension to the Chinese border, functioning of transport and logistics system in the Chelyabinsk region, infrastructural support for transit cargo shipments along the Northern Sea Route (NSR), participation of foreign investors in the development of Russian sea ports and approaches to them. It is shown that the provision of competitive advantages offered by transit shipping operations on a particular route requires a high speed of cargo transportation with a minimum of stops, handling, and transshipments along the route. The revenues from realizing transport and transit potential can be compared with the amount of resource rent only when Russia builds not just a transit sector but the production and transit sector in its economy. In this regard, the authors focused on defining the opportunity and necessity of organizational transformations associated with building a large public-private transport company that would be able to compete with global sea container companies on Asia—Europe routes. The article elaborated the main areas and measures under the proposed national project «Developing the Transit Economy in Russia: Uniting Eurasia» and its subprogram «Developing the Innovative Rolling Stock for Container and Multimodal Shipping Operations.» The finding of the study presented in the article may be used for preparing the state programs and projects that include a system of measures to develop and realize the transport and transit potential of Russia based on institutional and organizational transformations.


urgent transport and transit projects; public-private partnership; institutions; organizations; transport and transit potential; transport construction; investments; concessions; transportation and logistics companies; rolling stock

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Copyright (c) 2018 Valery A. Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Kh. Zoidov, Alexey A. Medkov

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731