Problems and tools for the detection of threats to personnel security in the region

Natalia V. Kuznetsova, Anastasia Yu. Timofeeva


The study of threats negatively affecting the state and development of human resources as well as the types of security threats is of particular importance in the theory and practice of ensuring personnel security. The aim of this article is the identification and clssification of the concepts of the main threats to personnel security in the region (the study is carried on the example of the Irkutsk region). On the basis of the content analysis of the Russian regulatory legal acts and scientific publications, the authors have identifed external and internal threats to personnel security in the region. As a result of the study, a list of threats to personnel security in the region, which consists of 37 items, is composed. The political, economic, demographic, social, technical, technological, ecological, legal, and ethnocultural types are demonstrated. It is found that internal threats to personnel security ( first of all, social and economic ones) dominate in the region. The urgency and importance of threats to personnel security in the region are assessed. The hierarchical factor analysis is used to identify types of threats (lower level factors) and to estimate their effect on the general level of the urgency of threats to personnel security (upper-level factor). It is found that legal threats and threats caused by the low labor potential of the region make the most significant effect. The following methods are used: content analysis, analysis of frequency tables and contingency tables, hierarchical factor and correlation analyses. The analysis is based on the materials of the expert survey conducted in the Irkutsk region (2015). In order to determine the correlation (coherence) of the experts’ assessments, the Kendall’s coeficient of concordance is calculated. The obtained results can be used for the study and identification of threats to personnel security, which are typical for a certain region, they can serve as a basis for the prediction and analysis of threats to personnel security in the region, as well as for the elaboration of countermeasures.


region; human resources; regional security; personnel security; personnel security threats; typology of personnel security threats; acuteness of threats to personnel security; types of threats to personnel security; personnel security in the region

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Copyright (c) 2018 Natalia V. Kuznetsova, Anastasia Yu. Timofeeva

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731