From the strategy of food independence to the strategy of raising the competitiveness of agroindustry

Anatoly I. Altukhov, Veniamin V. Drokin, Aleksey S. Zhuravlev


In the conditions of the globalization of national economies, the current situation in macroeconomics and, as a result, the need to improve the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to clearly outline and resolve the following three strategic tasks of the country’s agro-food industry: ensuring the country’s foodstaff independence based on import substitution; raising the competitiveness of farm products; developing the high level standard of living at the rural area based on the socio-economic development of the territories. The analysis of the government policy documents and concepts for developing the agricultural sector of the economy has revealed the following. The State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Commodities Markets, Agricultural Raw Materials and Foodstuff in 2013–2020 is the main active tool, a primary factor of accelerated agro-food import substitution, and a foundation for the new national agricultural policy. At the same time, the program does not answer the question, how one can really improve the competitiveness of national farm products. It does not outline the tasks and mechanisms to raise the standard of living for the rural population. The article considers the necessity to increase the competitiveness of agro-food sector as a prospective strategic direction in the government export policy. It clarifes the key factors of the influence on the competitiveness of the national farm products, namely: at the macroeconomic level—equivalence of cross-sector exchange, subsidizing and credit financing of the agro-food sector; at the sectoral level—territorial and sectoral specialization in agricultural production and the system of pro t distribution between the producers, processors and retailers of the farm products. The article outlines the possible ways of employment assistance for the rural population left without jobs as a result of improving the competitiveness of the agricultural production. It shows the expediency of the development of both the single scientifically-based interministerial document in the form of the national strategy and some relevant programs to improve the competitiveness of the country’s agro-food industry, employment and income of the rural population.


agro-food industry; state program; import substitution; macroeconomic factors; territorial and sectoral specialization; household agriculture; agricultural organizations; dairy cattle breeding

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Copyright (c) 2018 Anatoly I. Altukhov, Veniamin V. Drokin, Aleksey S. Zhuravlev

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731