Mega-clusters as a tool of interregional cooperation in tourists field

Olga P. Kuznetsova, Arina A. Kuzmenko, Egor A. Yumaev


In order to diversify the Russian economy, it is necessary to pay great attention to the emerging sectors of the economy; with a systemic approach they are able to reveal their accumulated potential. Authors consider one of such industries to be the sphere of tourism. Russia has its own unique natural-recreational and cultural-historical potential, which is not fully utilized, and it is confirmed with the relevant statistics. The authors propose to accelerate the development of tourism by raising the level of interregional cooperation from the position of using coexisting competition and competitive coexistence in tourist mega-clusters. Due to the lack of financial resources for separate regions for the tourism development, the implementation of this approach is effective, as it allows achieving savings of money due to economies of scale. The phenomena of coexisting competition and competitive coexistence in the tourism sphere presuppose the unification of the different regions authorities’ efforts for the joint implementation of projects. Regions joining forces on the basis of coexisting competition and competitive coexistence within the mega-clusters will allow each administrative-territorial unit to develop and improve its competitive advantage by asking a stimulus to the development of the other participants. This approach makes it possible to obtain other positive effects noted in the study. Thus, findings broaden the knowledge about the phenomena of coexisting competition and competitive coexistence in the regional economy, about mega-clusters as tools for interregional interactions in the tourism sphere.


region; tourism; coexisting competition; competitive coexistence; co-operation; competition; cluster; import substitution; tourism infrastructure; economies of scale

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Copyright (c) 2018 Olga P. Kuznetsova, Arina A. Kuzmenko, Egor A. Yumaev

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731