Trends of centre-periphery polarization in Sverdlovsk region between 2008 and 2015

Elena B. Dvoryadkina, Ekaterina I. Kaibicheva


The significant imbalances in the economic space of a region, particularly between the centre and the periphery, present a serious challenge for economists, politicians and policy makers. Which measures are to be taken to remedy this situation? What should they be aimed at? These are the main questions to be addressed by the researchers and the government. To develop a competent policy it is essential to understand the dynamics of intra-regional variations in a long-time period. This article seeks to describe the trends in the centre-periphery polarization dynamics of a Russian region by analyzing the indicators of socio-economic development of its constituent municipalities. In their calculations the authors used the coefficient of centre-periphery variation and the methods of statistical analysis.

The comparative analysis of the contribution made by peripheral and central municipalities to the key socio-economic indicators of the region in the period of 2008-2015 has shown that there is a growing centre-periphery polarization within Sverdlovsk region. The authors calculated the coefficient of centre-periphery variation for specific municipalities and the periphery in general by using the average volume indices of the retail turnover, investments in the main capital, new housing supply, the turnover of organizations and average monthly salary. The dynamics of this coefficient and that of the GRP in the given period demonstrates that while the centre-periphery gap is narrowed during the recession, it widens when the economic situation stabilizes.

The scientific novelty of this research is achieved through identifying the main trends in the centre-periphery polarization within Sverdlovsk region at various stages of its socio-economic development. These research results can be applied to develop a regional policy aimed at reducing the centre-periphery differences and polarization of the regional economic space.


region; centre; periphery; economic space; geographical polarization; regional policy; coefficient of centre-periphery variation

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Copyright (c) 2018 Elena B. Dvoryadkina, Ekaterina I. Kaibicheva

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731