Innovative potential in the small and medium-sized enterprises regional clusters in Russia

Irina V. Korchagina


Accelerated development of small and medium-sized enterprises is necessary for dynamic regional growth. The fastest growth of small and medium-sized enterprises takes place in clusters. However, clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises are usually engaged in the simplest activities, do not implement innovations. The purpose of the article is to identify and evaluate the innovative potential of existing clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions of Russia.
A research method is the comparative analysis, trend and index analysis, case-method, methods of statistical information processing. The study found a low level of innovation activity in clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises. Their impact on the qualitative development of the regional economy is severely limited. The main reason is weak internal innovation potential and lack of integration with innovation generators. Technological entrepreneurship is developing poorly. The size of the cluster of small and medium-sized enterprises is insufficient to form the infrastructure and elements of the innovation system.
Innovative institutions can be formally included in the cluster, but there is no real interaction. Consequently, existing clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises solve only a limited number of specific tasks. Objective advantages of the cluster (positive effects of territorial concentration, diffusion of innovations, collective interactions) need to be complemented by elements of a regional innovation system. The development of the innovative potential of clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises requires interaction with the research and development sector, development institutions, the state, and public organizations. In addition, specific support is required for innovative activity of clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises. Under these conditions, clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises can positively affect the quality of economic growth in the territories.


regional cluster; cluster of small and medium-sized enterprises; entrepreneurship; technological development; cluster policy; innovation; innovation potential

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Copyright (c) 2018 Irina V. Korchagina

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731