China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor and environmental protection cooperation

Xiujie Zhang, Sichen Zhang


The China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor is in line with the common interests of the three countries in economic development, and has been accelerated since its proposal. To strengthen environmental protection cooperation is one of the key cooperation areas in “Program Planning for the Construction of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor”, it accords with the direction for green “the Belt and Road” initiative development. These conditions determined the relevance and practical significance of the research. The authors justify why is it important to include Mongolia in the project «One Belt-One Road» and systematize the factors that determine the need to strengthen economic cooperation between Russia, China and Mongolia. Special attention is paid to the analysis of problems of environmental protection, improving the environmental situation in the regions of Russia, China and Mongolia, which are actively involved in the process of creating the Economic Corridor. Taking into account the identified factors, priority directions of tripartite cooperation in the sphere of environmental protection are formulated. This research provide the assessment of decisions in the sphere of state environmental policy of the three countries in terms of their accordance with the goals and priorities of the Economic Corridor and the long-term interests of each country. Also authors proposed some recommendations for improving the state environmental policy, taking into account the interests of the regions involved in the project of the Economic Corridor. In conclusion, it is noted that in the future within the framework of trilateral cooperation, the need for cooperation of the three countries in the use of water resources becomes particularly important. This issue will be the subject of further research.


China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor; economic cooperation; economic development; water resources; environmental protection

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Copyright (c) 2018 Xiujie Zhang, Sichen Zhang

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731