Regional politics in post-socialist states. Based on the analysis of Georgia

J. Kaczmarek–Khubnaia


Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the post-Soviet countries have been undergoing general transformation processes. A change in state regime meant a complete reorganisation of  political system. Main obstacles for the development processes and structural changes were legislative chaos, rise of nationalism, growing sense of separateness of regional communities, and a tense internal situation, often resulting in armed conflicts. Departure from centrally controlled economy, decentralisation of power and the subsequent reduction of the state care level has made the authorities (wanting to ensure sustainable development for all self-government units), start a development process of new regional policy framework.Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the post-Soviet countries have been undergoing general transformation processes. A change in state regime meant a complete reorganisation of  political system. Main obstacles for the development processes and structural changes were legislative chaos, rise of nationalism, growing sense of separateness of regional communities, and a tense internal situation, often resulting in armed conflicts. Departure from centrally controlled economy, decentralisation of power and the subsequent reduction of the state care level has made the authorities (wanting to ensure sustainable development for all self-government units), start a development process of new regional policy framework. The aim of this article is characterisation of the regional policy of post-Soviet states on the example of Georgia. Due to the specific nature of the historic conditions associated with the 70-year affiliation of the analysed country to the USSR, the author first refers to past regional policy framework, introduced by the Soviet authorities (e.g. economic territorial divisions or regional specialism) as the starting point and the determinant of the present regional disparities.The author then presents the characteristics of the present Georgian regional policy, in institutional and legal terms, by describing and evaluating its shaping process and the main documents defining key objectives (strategies, plans, projects, laws, et c.). Due to a strong difference in development between the post-Soviet states, caused by a different internal situation, international position (geopolitical position), economic potential and a degree of advancement in transformation processes, the analysis has been enriched by a comparison of regional policies of two former East bloc states,  Poland and Georgia.


regional politics; region, Georgia; Poland; Post-communist; European Union

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