Agent-based modeling of the impact of advertising on the regional economic cluster lifecycle

V. A. Shamis, O. M. Kulikova, S. Y. Neiman, E. V. Usacheva


The aim of the study is the development and testing of an algorithm for modeling the impact of advertising on various stages of the life cycle of economic clusters. It is assumed, that the life cycle of the cluster consists of the stages: a diffuse group, a hidden cluster, an evolving cluster, a mature cluster, a collapsing cluster. Using the agent-based simulation methods, hierarchical clustering and chaos theory, the following results were obtained: a conceptual model of the behavior of cluster members for cluster formation processes at each stage of the cluster life cycle and an imitation model of the influence of advertising on the life cycle of the economic cluster; the patterns of various stages of the life cycle of the economic cluster and the functioning of the cluster without influence and under the influence of advertising were revealed. Advertising reduces the time at the stages of the associated life cycle of the cluster, increases the stage of maturity of the cluster. Companies that do not comply with the principles of clustering are under the influence of advertising and promotional activities. Such enterprises most often arise in the cluster at the stages of its formation.


economic clusters; cluster life cycle stages; advertising and promotion; simulation and modeling; computational experiment

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Copyright (c) 2018 V. A. Shamis, O. M. Kulikova, S. Y. Neiman, E. V. Usacheva

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731