The influence of regional labor factors on innovation costs of enterprises in Russian regions

A. N. Kozlovskaya, E. E. Rukhman


In this paper, we examined the impact of labor loyalty and the labor market situation on the costs of companies in the region on research and development. In the work was carried out the analysis of existing articles and papers on related topics. First of all, it was our task to determine the mathematical model of the concept of loyalty of the workforce, to determine from which economic indicators it can be identified. We have identified and justified the hypothesis that the loyalty of the workforce is the ratio of the following indicators: the number of unemployed and the number of free work places. In the case of such a definition of loyalty, it was important to take the indicators for one group of workers (with the same qualification) to exclude the effects of structural unemployment. So coming to understand the factors on which the loyalty of the labor force in the region is based, we included them in our model to try to establish some relationship between the above variables and the desire of employers to invest in R & D. Based on the analyzed data and the results of testing using econometric methods, the dependence of investments in innovation and labor loyalty in the regions of Russia was proved in this paper. A direct dependence was established that indicates a decrease in loyalty to the employer increases the motivation of the last one to invest in innovation.


unemployment; R & D; need for labor; employment protection; innovations; employment protection legislation

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Copyright (c) 2018 A. N. Kozlovskaya, E. E. Rukhman

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