Lifelong learning as a tool for the development of smart cities: technology enhanced learning as an enabler

Ken Brown, Viola A. Larionova, Vic Lally


This paper considers the ubiquity of technology as an enabler for lifelong learning in modern society and the impact this dependence on technology has on the strategic design of learning systems. The role of lifelong learning in modern economies and the diversity of activities associated with lifelong learning requires targeted resourcing and understanding of the meaning of lifelong learning. The dominance of technology enhanced learning in modern education is accepted as a de-facto component in the design of any learning programme. The literature on the technology enhanced learning – smart city nexus explores the technology in depth with a strong focus on learning analytics and big data applications. Evidence of the pedagogical paradigm requirements is not quite so visible and this lack of understanding of the complete model creates tensions in the design of lifelong learning systems. The agency of active learning is considered in the sense of the triune of human, education and economic, systems for the sustainable growth of a knowledge economy. Structured approaches to learning are demonstrated and comparison is drawn with smart city projects in Ireland and the United Kingdom.


lifelong learning, technology enhanced learning, smart cities, e-learning, smart learning, massively open online courses, Russia, Ireland, United Kingdom

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ken Brown, Viola A. Larionova, Vic Lally

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