Strategic priorities in the development of large russian cities

Ivan A. Antipin


The paper discusses problems of strategic planning and management in the Russian Federation, primarily the lack of comprehensive methodological approaches to strategic planning in regions and cities, especially to selecting priorities of their socio-economic development. The conceptual framework of this research is based on strategic management theory and theories of regional and spatial economics. The paper also reviews Russian and international approaches to the concept of strategy and to strategic planning and management in general. The author analyses the key strategic planning documents of million-plus Russian cities, such as Perm, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, and others. These cities are a major driving force behind the country’s economic development. In the paper, they are divided into three groups depending on the time period of their strategies. The conclusion is made that the optimal choice of priorities and adequate control over the implementation of these strategies are crucial for their success. In other words, it is necessary to improve the currently existing mechanisms of strategic planning and management to ensure more efficient development of urban territories. Moreover, most strategies focus only on those processes and phenomena that fall within the jurisdiction of local authorities although it would be much more effective to involve all groups of stakeholders and facilitate their cooperation in achieving common goals of the city’s development. 


strategy, strategic planning, strategic management, large city, priorities of urban development

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan A. Antipin

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Online ISSN 2412-0731