Institutional conditions for socio-economic development in Russian regions

Denis Yu. Fraymovich, Marina A. Gundorova


The paper describes the results of quantitative analysis of institutional conditions in Russian federal districts. The research methodology relies on a set of indicators applied to evaluate the cultur-al, legal, business, innovation, and investment-related aspects of institutional environment. The meth-odological framework also includes a system of criteria (spatial and temporal), which is used to study the indicators and calculate their mean values, dynamic indicators and variability. The parameters were normalized to allow for a more accurate comparison of Russian regions. The findings are pre-sented in the form of tables and a cluster dendrogram, which shows the distribution of Russian federal districts according to different characteristics of their institutional environment. Russian federal dis-tricts can be roughly divided into two groups: those with more or less balanced institutional condi-tions and those with anomalously high or low indicator values. It was found that in some regional socio-economic systems the institutional conditions were favourable for innovation and development although not all the constituent territories enjoyed equal access to these resources, which is supported by the evidence — the regional variability level was high in the corresponding indicators. The method-ology and results may be used by research organizations in their analytical work; by education insti-tutions for student training in the sphere of mass data processing; and by the relevant departments of regional and local administrations to design, adjust, and monitor strategic programs for socio-economic development. The proposed methodology, including the set of indicators used, can be ad-justed and perfected for other research objectives.


institutional conditions, federal districts, average results, dynamics, variability

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Copyright (c) 2019 Denis Yu. Fraymovich, Marina A. Gundorova

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731