Compilation of regional financial balances for the ‘General Governance’ sector in the Ural Federal District
Relevance. In recent years, the significance of financial flows in the public sector in territorial development in Russia has been growing. To be able to analyze all public sector revenues and expenditures at the regional level, it is necessary to develop financial balances that take into account all flows of financial resources.
Research objective. The purpose of this study is to create financial balances of the "General Governance" sector by using the example of six regions in the Ural Federal District.
Data and methods. The study is based on the theoretical framework of the System of National Accounts. The author proposes a methodological approach to the consolidation of official statistical reports from open sources in accordance with the classification of government revenues and expenditures in national accounting.
Results. The proposed methodology for calculating the income and expenditures of all budgets in the region, including the volume of direct federal expenditures, is based on comparing the data on the sources of added value formation. A database on income and expenditures of the regions of the Ural Federal District for the period 2014-2018 was made and a matrix of financial balances of the "General Governance" sector by regions for 2017 was built. To this end, the structure and amount of public institutions financing costs were specified and donor and recipient regions of the Ural Federal District were identified.
Conclusions. Financial resources of the public sector affect the economy of the regions of the Ural Federal District in several ways. The regions specializing on oil and gas production are net donors to the sector, the rest of the regions cannot provide for themselves and are more dependent on federal funds. The sector "General Governance" generates more than 10% of GRP of Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions and more than 20% of Kurgan region. The results can be used for planning and forecasting of socio-economic development of certain areas.
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