Analysis of the transport tax system in the People’s Republic of China

Ma Jun, Igor A. Mayburov


Relevance. The rapid development of the transportation industry has led to economic development and at the same time has had a negative impact on the environment, especially in developing countries. Taxation can play an important role in regulating the number of vehicles in the country. Unfortunately, in China, taxation does not fully play its regulatory role.

Research objective. This article focuses on the problems of environmental pollution and traffic congestions in large cities and ways of tackling them with the help of transportation tax reforms.  

Data and methods. This article adopts the method of comparative analysis and selects countries such as Japan, Singapore, and France to analyze their experience with that of China in the sphere of transportation taxation. The analysis concentrates around the three main aspects of taxation: vehicle purchase, vehicle use and discarding of old vehicles. The research data are taken from the Chinese government's official website and the results of previous research.

Results. There is still a lot of room for improvement in China's transportation taxation system. Feasible suggestions should be drawn up to improve the existing taxation policies.

Conclusions. In order to improve China's transport taxation policy, the study makes a number of proposals regarding the tax on the purchase of vehicles, tax on the use of vehicles and ships, tax on the consumption of refined oil, etc. These proposals can help China embark on a sustainable development path to achieve the goal of coordinated economic, environmental and energy development.


vehicle ownership tax, fuel tax, central entry tax, gas tax, traffic congestion, environmental protection, energy saving, economic development, sustainable development

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Copyright (c) 2020 Ma Jun, Igor A. Mayburov

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Online ISSN 2412-0731