Measurement of the intellectual capital of Russian regions

Nelly Roze


Relevance. The rapid growth in the value of intangible resources brings up a problem of managing innovative development and evaluating intellectual capital. Intellectual capital is essential for socio-economic development of countries and regions.

Research objectives. The key objective of this study is to develop an approach to evaluate the balance of structural components of regional intellectual capital.

Data and methods. The proposed approach has been tested on the data from 75 Russian regions for 2000-2018. Calculations are made on the basis of mathematical formulae, the methods of linear scaling and of paired comparisons. Visualization of the calculation results was carried out by using the GeoDA spatial modeling software.

Results. The article describes an approach to assessing the balance between the structural components of intellectual capital. It includes a measurement algorithm, a system of indicators and a model for assessing structural components of intellectual capital, a criterion scale for determining the balance of structural components. The proposed approach allows us to develop a step-by-step guide to effective decision-making.

Conclusion. The proposed approach and indicators can be used for devising strategies of intellectual capital management on the regional level.


intellectual capital, innovative development, assessment of intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital, relational capital

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Copyright (c) 2021 Nelly Roze

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Online ISSN 2412-0731