SWOT analysis of smart city projects in capital cities of Russia and Kazakhstan
Relevance. Large-scale digitalization projects contribute to national economic development and to the improvement of the living standards in countries and regions. Cities with high population density and vibrant economic growth can benefit the most from such projects.
Research objective. This study aims to conduct a strategic analysis of smart city projects in capital cities of Russia and Kazakhstan (Moscow, Nur-Sultan, and Almaty).
Data and methods. The study provides an overview of academic and professional media publications on the topic, national and local official documents, materials reflecting expert discussions about the problems of smart city development in Russia and Kazakhstan. Methodologically, the study relies on SWOT-analysis methods used to systematize diverse empirical data and to provide evidence for managerial decision-making.
Results. In this study, we systematized the key approaches to the definition of a smart city and proposed our own interpretation of this term with a special emphasis on SWOT factors. The main digital services in Moscow, Nur-Sultan and Almaty were described. The results of SWOT analysis have shown some significant differences in the way the three capital cities implement their smart city projects as well as similar problems they are facing, such as the institutional barriers, the lack of standards, financial constraints, the shortage of domestically produced equipment and software, of highly qualified human resources, and private investors.
Conclusions. The range of factors that affect the implementation of smart city projects in the three cities include the COVID-19 pandemic, which is likely to stimulate the digital transformation both in the short and long term.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2021.7.4.021
Copyright (c) 2021 Marat T. Urdabaev, Rysbek E. Utkelbay
Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731