The impact of economic sanctions on the industrial regions of Russia (the case of Sverdlovsk region)

Anatoly V. Stepanov, Alexander S. Burnasov, Gulnara N. Valiakhmetova, Maria Yu. Ilyushkina


Relevance. The turbulence of the global economy and pressure from sanctions have become a serious challenge for the Russian economy. Industry is hit the hardest as it is involved in the international division of labor and creation of value chains, unlike other branches of material production. It is, therefore, necessary to conduct in-depth research on these processes in order to provide Russian industrial regions with effective strategies to adapt to this new geo-economic reality.

Research objective is to identify trends and prospects for the development of Russian industrial regions in the context of international sanctions pressure. A particular focus is made on the case of Sverdlovsk region, which has a high concentration of mining and manufacturing enterprises.

Data and methods. The study applies a systematic approach by using methods of structural, statistical and comparative analysis. Statistical materials of relevant ministries and departments of the government of Sverdlovsk region as well as the data from international databases comprise the empirical basis of the study. The results of the survey of 50 managers from 12 logistics companies of Sverdlovsk region have been analyzed as well. The survey was carried out from January, 2022 to August, 2022.

Results. The study has shown the complex effects of the international economic sanctions on the trajectory and dynamics of the development of the industrial sector in Russia. The study describes the scenarios of the industrial development of Sverdlovsk region involved in the process of import substitution and transformation of logistics and value chains.

Conclusions. These findings can be of interest to policy-makers on the national and regional levels as well as businesses involved in import substitution programs.


sanctions, old industrial region, import substitution, logistics chains, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, industrial and territorial structure of economy

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Copyright (c) 2022 Anatoly V. Stepanov, Alexander S. Burnasov, Gulnara N. Valiakhmetova, Maria Yu. Ilyushkina

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731